Job definitions

A job definition is a yaml file following the GitHub job specification, with two key differences. First, it must have one top-level key: the job name defined as per the skylounge.yml. Additionally, the file may use SkyLounge parameters (defined below). A job definition may only define a single job.

The example below shows an excerpt from a job to deploy to Google Cloud Run.

Path: <your-organization>/skylounge-library/jobs/gcp/cloud-run/deploy/job.yml

  needs: build
  name: Deploy to development
  runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    REGISTRY: ((registry_url))
    - name: Checkout branch
      uses: actions/checkout@v3
    - id: auth
      name: Authenticate to Google Cloud
      uses: google-github-actions/auth@v0
        credentials_json: "${{ secrets.GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS_DEV }}"
    - id: deploy
      uses: google-github-actions/deploy-cloudrun@v0
        metadata: ./service.yaml
        gcp_project: ((gcp_project))

Jobs should be stored in your skylounge-library in the jobs directory.

Parameter documentation

Additionally, you need to provide a file named params.yml in the same directory as the job.yml. This file is used when generating a skylounge.yml based on a blueprint profile. The file documents the parameters in the job definition for developer consumption and will be inserted into generated skylounge.yml. The file starts with a single key params.

Below is an example params.yml for our sample job above:

  registry_url: # The URL of the Google artifact registry where the image is stored.
  gcp_project: # The name of the GCP project to deploy to.