Step definitions

A step definition file is a yaml file following the GitHub steps specification, with two extensions. First, it must have exactly one top-level key named steps:. Additionally, the file may use SkyLounge parameters. A step definition may contain one or more steps.

The example below shows an excerpt from a gradlew build step, with a SkyLounge parameter specifying the java-version.

Path: <your-organization>/skylounge-library/steps/gradlew/build/step.yml 

  - name: Set up Java
    uses: actions/setup-java@v3
      distribution: "liberica"
      java-version: ((jvm_version))
      cache: "gradle"
  - name: Unit test
    run: ./gradlew test
  - name: Build Jar
    run: ./gradlew assemble

Steps should be stored in your skylounge-library in the steps directory.

Parameter documentation

Additionally, you need to provide a file named params.yml in the same directory as the step.yml. This file is used when generating a skylounge.yml based on a blueprint profile. The file documents the parameters in the job definition for developer consumption and will be inserted into generated skylounge.yml. The file starts with a single key params.

Below is an example params.yml for our sample step above:

  jvm_version: # The JVM version to use