Workflow templates

Workflow templates are GitHub workflows with the addition of skylounge-jobs, skylounge-steps, and parameters. Anything you can automate in a GitHub workflow, you can automate in a SkyLounge workflow template.

When authoring workflow templates, we first recommend developing a GitHub workflow in a repository. You can then dissect this workflow into a template by identifying:

  • Jobs that should be configurable via job definitions
  • Steps that should be configurable via step definitions
  • Configuration to be parameterized

SkyLounge jobs

To declare a job for configuration, specify the key as name of the job, and skylounge-job as the value.

For example, the build job in the below workflow template will be replaced:

  build: skylounge-job

Include the build job declaration in the skylounge.yml.

Why not skylounge-job: build?

In the GitHub workflow spec, the jobs field is a hash or dictionary, not an array. Therefore, you cannot have multiple entries with a key of skylounge-job. Using this syntax would ensure that only a single SkyLounge job could exist.

SkyLounge steps

The steps field is an array of objects. We declare configurable steps in a workflow template as skylounge-step: step_name. Be sure to include the step_name declaration in the skylounge.yml.

For example, the step definition specified by build-artifact will be inserted into the workflow template below:

    - uses: actions/checkout@v3
    - skylounge-step: build-artifact
    - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3

Step names that begin with an underscore (_) are optional. If omitted from the skylounge.yml, the step will be omitted.